Partner Aric Bomsztyk Lead Counsel in the Emerald City Smoothie Franchise Acquisition


Chris Brown began at Emerald City Smoothie as a smoothie barista, before working himself up to owning several stores, and now owning the entire 40+ store franchise system. Mr. Brown worked with Partner Aric Bomsztyk as his lead counsel, along with Nate Riordan who acted as his franchise counsel, to purchase the iconic Pacific Northwest brand.

Read more of Mr. Brown's inspiring story here:

Mr. Brown has big plans for the Emerald City Smoothie brand. Mr. Bomsztyk and Tomlinson Bomsztyk Russ plan to be his trusted legal partners for his growth and success in the future. For now, Mr. Brown and Mr. Bomsztyk took a moment to enjoy a smoothie at a flagship Emerald City Smoothie store in Puyallup, WA.

Aric Bomsztykl at Emerald City Smoothie

Aric Bomsztyk (pictured left) and Chris Brown (pictured right)

Tomlinson Bomsztyk Russ offers both transactional and litigation services to Franchisors and Franchisees around Washington State.

The process of acquiring a franchise system, or even a single franchise, is complex. Thorough due diligence on the part of the Purchaser to ensure that the franchise is a good fit, and that the financials of the franchise are sound, is essential. This may include reviewing financial statements, interviewing current franchisees, and assessing the franchisor's ongoing support and training.

It's recommended that before making any franchise purchase, a Purchaser should seek legal and financial advice to protect their rights and investment.

Do you have questions about franchising? Are you considering buying a franchise? Are you concerned you made an improper investment? Is your franchisor in compliance with Washington’s Franchisee Bill of Rights - RCW 19.100.180 - Washington’s FIPA Franchisee “Bill of Rights” – RCW 19.100.180 (

Reach out online or call (206) 203-8009 for a legal consultation today.